The Power Position (Time & Acceptance)

The Book of Alexander
3 min readOct 24, 2022


Photo by : Isabella Mariana

I remember this broken heart, this overwhelming sorrow that weighed me down, keeping me from continuing on my mission for success. It was as if a 12 foot brick wall was set in front of me and the only tool I had to climb it was a 7 foot ladder. Everything seemed hopeless when she moved on to someone else. My first love, my only heart, shattered.

Having a good friend near by at the time was good, although I’m sure from my lack of focus, many of them felt invisible. Even so, not knowing it then, now I’m grateful to have had comforting support, learning that we as humans tend to migrate towards comfort for daily satisfaction. Once I realized getting too comfortable was the problem, I began to accept uncomfortable answers to the questions I had for advice from my real friends.

My real friends, my support system, weren’t afraid to speak the truth, even if it hurt me. And in all my questioning to this matter, this is the advice I received: “If she truly loves you, only time will reveal it to you and if she doesn’t, you have to learn to accept it.” Even though I didn’t want to accept it, he was right and eventually, I had to accept it because she never returned.

I didn’t know it yet, but I now know that this whole scenario came to pass for the soul purpose of mental and spiritual growth. All I had to do was stand at the top of the ladder. This brought hope in the possibility of making it over to the other side of the wall. It would take time, focus and caution, and if for some reason I fell, I would have to accept it and if given, be grateful to be alive.

A sleeping Giant Within You

We often forget about what everyone calls “The Small Things.” I find that its true; small things can lead to greater things. However, I say, “All The Bad Things” make an even bigger difference. Here’s a story a wise man once told me:

There was a young man who was having the worst day of his life; his Birthday. On his way to work, he ran out of gas, so he had to push his car to the gas station to fill up on his last $10. By the time he made it to work, he was 30 minutes late, So his boss gave him a hard time and had him do all the side work that no one else wanted to do throughout the day. Not one phone call came in all day. Not even a text. It was in fact the absolute worst day imaginable. He thought maybe music would be the cure on the drive home, but he forgot his AUX cable at home, he didn’t have Bluetooth and everything they played on the radio was music that he hated.

Finally, he made it home. When he walked in and turned on the lights, his friends and family yelled “Surprise!!!” On the wall was a huge banner that said Happy Birthday in gold. On the table were 3 large bottles of wine, 6 baskets of food and a large chocolate cake. For a moment his joyful being, his sleeping giant was at rest, but because of all he had gone through, because his hope was buried so deep, this small act of love awakened him from this coma. All the bad things contributed to the great joy he would later receive.

Alexander Garza


Copyright © 2022, 2023

Updated February 18, 2023



The Book of Alexander
The Book of Alexander

Written by The Book of Alexander

Political, Religious and Educational Views. Student in Scientology & Christianity. Learn more about Alexander Garza in About Section. Thanks for reading.

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