The Spirit Confirmed
Lately, my interest in human observation has grown to find comfort in uncomfortable information gaining circumstances, leading me deeper into the rabbit hole of Godly obsession; this is in the creator of mankind; the God of Isaac, Jacob and Abraham. At times, I find it interesting how the LORD speaks through me in spiritual writing; how my writing further exceeds the way I speak. In some cases, when I speak what is right, it is not me speaking, but the spirit of God speaking through me. Our LORD God I call The Almighty Scientist, because of his infinite knowledge; The All Powerful, because no one can defeat or surpass him. The LORD says to those who seek him as for Nickle, Lithium and Cobalt, “Extract my Knowledge and Wisdom and light up the world with Understanding so that all may glorify the Father.”
The LORD says, “Make my heart glad and seek the kingdom, for I will establish a New World and all who submit to me and forsake foolishness will be satisfied. For the luxuries of the new world will far surpass the luxuries of the old. Sorrow, pain, depression, worry, and all things you have carried so patiently will be removed from you, but seek not the kingdom to receive reward. Instead, seek self-righteousness to avoid the grave, knowing that luxuries cannot save you.”
“How many times have you worried of all which has already passed? Yet, you are still here. Has not my eye watched over you continuously providing you shelter, food and water? Why do you resist following instructions? Why do you seek fault in those whom I choose? He who denies those who prepare the way also deny my son and he who denies my son also denies me. There are those of you who have set yourselves against my prophets and apostles, enticing them to go against my will; to mislead the nations for your own desires and not he who created you. For just as I created you, I have the power to remove you at moments notice. For the sake of the request of my Ultimate sacrifice, my son in whom I have given authority; he who died and behold, is alive forevermore; he who I rejoice in and is set above my angels, I have offered you redemption. Repent or you will be removed. Messengers are upon you and blessed are those who have believed.”
Brothers, allow me to first make notice so that you are not deceived, for in a moment my thoughts will have been converted into writing by the spirit of God that lives inside of me, not the knowledge of simple men. May he who gifted the Holy Spirit be called to teach from the spirit because without the spirit, no man is righteous. Not one teacher of the word is blameless and all have broken the commands of the creator. Yet the spirit is clean and without fault, nor does the spirit ever fail. For the spirit speaks to you through the messenger appointed by the Father; the messenger who has given up his free will to the will of the Father, that he may be used to make way for the coming of salvation, I, The Lamb.
To the Congregation of The Righteous, blessed are you because you are few and few have saved many. For both The Father and The Messenger are witness to this testimony; for a bond of three is not easily broken. The hearts of children will be made glad, just as the father rejoices; for the establishment will be made secure. Sing new songs to the LORD and give praise to his glory, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
October 3, 2022
-Alexander Garza