The Power Position (Stay in the Game)
Every morning before I take on my daily routine, I start by giving thanks to the Lord while preparing for the big play; the play of the day. In this systematic setting called life, I mainly play in defensive mode, but sometimes when the stars align, I’ll get the opportunity to run an offensive play.
I put on the mask of my appointed character and defend this title of mine that holds the key to success. Strikes often come from every direction, but my protective gear proves its’ worth and nine times out of ten, night falls safely and I live to play another game. Sometimes when I lose a game, the season seems hopeless. And losing games incessantly or continuously can lead to watching the seasons go by from the sidelines. Eventually, I learned that sometimes we have to switch to a different play. Not necessarily for the outcome of a different purpose, but as decisions to get though separate courses.
In life, it is easy to become a predictable player. By running the same course consecutively, you can give opposing players valuable insight and become easily vulnerable; sometimes without noticing.
In this game of life, I play a variety of different characters, but for the sake of switching up my style of writing from self-focus to a bigger picture, I’ll use another character example for a easier and more clear written presentation.
In this example, I’ll explain the position of a Restaurant General Manager to help you better understand. To understand the high held position of a GM, you must first understand the system of the game. Everything from Responsibility & Problem Solving, to Mathematics, Basic Accounting, Hour Scheduling Distribution and Division, Food Handling Knowledge, General Labor Skills, and more, all require a team player. The store manager or GM is the one player who is capable of operating every one of these tasks and this is what makes this person a title holder; one superior to all other team players.
Sometimes, the GM plays the role of a Cashier and other times you might find this player cleaning floors. If all focus was set on one task, you might encounter an eye catching restaurant cleaned spotless, but you could also spend over an hour waiting on a delayed order. Therefore, when necessary, the title holder switches up the play in order to tackle the problems that come unexpectedly.
This concept comes in all forms. You play by the rules and sometime bend the rules, but regardless you stay in the game and defend your title. In the morning you can be a parent, during the day might be a laborer. Sometimes you’re being taught, other times you’re the teacher, but we all share one title in common: We are all students. We live, we learn and we get better. This is the way of life. It was written,
“A wise man will fall seven times and rise again.” Proverbs 24 verse 16
Don’t be afraid to switch up your plays during the season. This is how champions are made.