The Power Position (Impulsive Reactions Based Off Perception)
How much mental pressure can one take before he responds impulsively? Picture air going into an air balloon or a water hose attached to a water container. Once all of the space is taken up, the outcome is inevitable, but there is a huge difference between a physical man made object such as an air balloon, and a physical object created by God such as the human brain. The mind can continuously absorb information without exploding. So what is the answer to why humans react to certain situations impulsively?
It must be that the connection between ones moral views and the information received create a calculated outcome based on perception. (Moral Views) + (Information Received) = (Outcome Reaction Based Off Perception).
Think of a comedian telling a joke at a local comedy club and the headlining act tells a joke that involves the color of someones skin. One person, or many could be laughing hysterically , but some might not find the joke to be so comical. Why? Simply because this person sees an entirely different picture according to his moral values.
It is clear to me that a physical reaction first starts with the brain. When we mentally process certain information, a moral value can be quickly observed and the heart of man can determine an emotional reaction impulsively. So this leads me to believe that it is not only a human reaction that should be observed in a given situation but also the cause of transferred energy when it comes to evaluating impulsiveness.
Impulsiveness is not good when it is triggered by anger, however it is good to react impulsively if it results in a human being pushed out of the way of a moving vehicle. However, the perception of a person might corrupt his moral values, in which case one would allow a human being to be struck by this moving vehicle instead of pushing him out of the way.
In all of my questioning regarding this topic, one hypothesis that makes sense to me is that there is something inside of us that has an effect on the way we feel towards certain situations naturally. When we were younger, although some of us didn’t understand, we still felt something inside of us telling us when we had done something wrong. Even a pet dog has the ability to comprehend its wrong doings and hide himself under the table before it even hears your voice. This is what I believe to be the spirit of life. I also believe that based off this analysis, that a human spirit does exist and that this should be viewed as a fact rather than a theory.
Man cannot be judged according to his actions alone. He must be judged according to his heart. Only ones heart can justify ones actions according to his spirit. The reason behind an action or reaction determines whether or not the spirit is worthy.
I find that the human brain and human heart have a powerful effect on the people around us and are above both weapon and shield in offensive and defensive status. For without the brain, no weapon could be created and without the heart, love would cease to exist & mercy would be unheard of. Ultimately, love conquers all, because if you love someone you would never steal from them, neglect them, insult them and the list goes on. This is why it was written,
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” — Jesus Christ
One thing we can do to see where our heart is, is by checking our moral values. How we live and what we do reflect the things you value most. If we are struggling with expressing our moral values in a physical setting, it doesn’t mean we have immoral values simply because we may at times react on impulse. We shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves because of other peoples perceptions. What I mean by this is that sometimes the world we live in makes it difficult for us to practice these high standards. This is also why it was written,
“Narrow is the path that leads to life and there are very few who find it.” — Jesus Christ
Furthermore, free will plays a major factor because all men are given a choice in decision making, but this also makes me question the ratio between those who succeed in expressing good values in decision making and those who don’t because the path is so narrow. I’m sure that the ratio is quite worrisome.
My solution is this: to build a greater foundation, we should begin construction on this narrow path to wisdom, knowledge, instruction and understanding and make things easier by making the path wider for more people to walk on. Especially when it comes to our actions and reactions. Maybe these ideas could be used as primary tools to master our reactions to received energy.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Updated February 28, 2023
Copyright © 2022, 2023
-Alexander Garza