Employee, The Real Celebrity
Dear Unemployed, why do we refuse to work? What are we accomplishing for our species by sitting around and doing nothing all the day? Are we spending too much time on our phones instead of our children and chasing fantasies that are never satisfied? My biological father once told me about a book he was writing called Easy Money The Big Lie. The title alone caught my interest, but I was never given the chance to review it. Then I thought about it; how many of us make easy money and how long does it last?
Then I saw it for myself in many jails including 4 prison units in Texas. Easy money only lasts for so long. When I served my time years ago, I met real criminals serving large bids and some never getting out. When I was baptized, I was baptized in front of these criminals. These criminals were some of the most educated and humble people I had ever met and they encouraged me to go out and conquer the world of faith to teach those whom they failed to teach. Who takes care of your kids when you’re locked up? Who’s putting money on your books and taking care of you when you should be taking care of yourself? And where are your so called “Friends” when you’re doing a real bid?
To the homeless, when are you going to stop the drug use? How long till you finally prove others wrong? Don’t you want more for yourselves? I know what it’s like to be homeless. I know what it’s like to feel like it’s too late. I’ve been in your shoes, therefore, I understand the struggle. But God is good, you just have to pick yourself back up one more time. You won’t fail again.
To the employed, why do you refuse to help the homeless? Why do you mock your own brothers and sisters? What is it that makes you scheme against those who are capable, so that you get the position and not the one who rightfully deserves it? Because of this, you are still lower class. You’re given just enough to think you are rich, but you are slave to your debts because you have pressed against the innocent without cause. What many have forgotten is that this is a land of opportunity. New opportunities will arise. It was written,
“He who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” -Matthew 23:12
Unemployed brothers and sisters, easy money is a big lie. Stop letting the enemy when and go to work. Homeless brothers and sisters, get up and go to work. Last time you failed, but failure is no longer an option. You will succeed. Employed brothers and sisters, stop pressing against the poor and forsake judgement. Because of these things, many have suffered and you will be held accountable if it continues, but leave your old ways and the world will be established.
To the rich and the famous, I see some of your works. Some of you promote peace and many of you display righteousness, but some of you influence young men to disrespect women and you influence young women to disrespect themselves. You mislead children with with music and imagery to follow a path of darkness. You corrupt the minds of children so that when they are grown, they teach the generations after them to do the same. While children hunger and the world suffers, you continue to advertise violence. Because you have done this, you have angered the God of Issac, Jacob and Abraham. Therefore as it was written, you will not stand in the judgement, nor will you sit among the congregation of the righteous. You will be removed into outer darkness and the wrath of the LORD will be placed upon you, but some of you will repent and your repentance will save you and many others. This is a message from the LORD. The hard worker will increase. The employee is the real celebrity. -Alexander Garza
September 15, 2022