The Book of Alexander
3 min readAug 9, 2023

Create A Character (Operation Eagle) MUST READ!!

Photo by Erik Mclean:

“So God created man in his own image and in the image of God he created them; the male and the female, he created them.” -Gen 1:27

Let’s create a character:

Name: Al -Jay
Skin Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’11

Personality: Comedic

Without having to dive in too deep into details about our new creation, we can now picture what Al-Jay slightly looks and acts like. Now, if we were to draw pictures of Al-Jay on paper, just to create a better understanding of this article, we can create a sequence. A sequence is just formations following after one another in order to create a story in the form of ongoing images.

Picture 1 = Al-Jay with his eyes open standing in front of a house

Picture 2 = Al-Jay with his eyes closed standing in front of the same house
If we create a sequence of Picture 1 and Picture 2, following the algorithmic pattern 1,2,1,2 and so on, we will see Al Jay opening and closing his eyes in front of a house.

Now, If we take a minute to examine the advancement of digital graphics, such as the Nintendo 64 up to the PlayStation 5, a question becomes quite relevant: How long will it be before what is considered not real starts to look so real that people are no longer able to tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t?

The Book of Life

If God knew us before we were born, then perhaps God created man in the same way we just created Al-Jay. And if the unnumbered names of multitudes of all nations, tongues and tribes were prophesied to be amongst one another giving praise to the LORD God, then every existing entity must have a story and every story must be accounted for. The only way for all of this information to be categorized, there would have to be a large amount of files with recorded documents verifying the truth of every person’s story. (Cameras)

If our names are written in the book of life, then our lives; our stories are already formed in detail from beginning to end; in similarity to a Netflix movie. Imagine how big the library must be.

Let’s dig further into the rabbit hole of truth

Don’t be misled, if Life existed before such advancement, then life can still exist outside of such advancement if the advancement is in fact true. And if such advancement exists, then there must be a timeline, knowing that every story requires time to read and define. Let us examine “Prophecy" to support this data.

To tell a prophecy is the same as predicting the future. Many prophets predicted the coming of a savior and eye witnesses documented these events as proof that these predictions came true. This means that if the prediction happened, then everything in between (Point A) the time the prophecy was made, and (Point B) the time the prophecy was fulfilled, was all set in place exactly the way it was written for it to have come true. Again, just like a Netflix movie.

Once again, If someone wanted to know what you were doing at 3pm 2 years ago, they could access that information through camera documentation and facial recognition. Everyone has a story, and it is written,

“There is nothing that won’t be made known.”

Alexander Garza
Operation Eagle
Written in Anchorage, Alaska
Copyright (c) 2024

All Rights Reserved.

The Book of Alexander
The Book of Alexander

Written by The Book of Alexander

Political, Religious and Educational Views. Student in Scientology & Christianity. Learn more about Alexander Garza in About Section. Thanks for reading.

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