The Power Position (All Lives Matter)
Segregation, a word that applies to both purposeful and meaningless separation. It is Monday September 19, 2022. In today’s topic, I plan to briefly expose facts, opinions and theories on the divisions causing the distortion in what should be a clear view of an equal and developing nation.
Elite trendsetters, or what the bible refers to as Idols, of different nationality can create movements of influential support, influential reaction and influential belief systems in regards to racism, division conflicts and other worldly issues.
In continuation of this writing, I’ll use my familiarity with Mexican or Hispanic culture because I am a Hispanic American. In my opinion, Mexican or Hispanic Americans are some of the most hard working, kindhearted, respectful and capable people willing, ready, and currently contributing or ready to contribute to society here on American soil, but imagery developed and distributed in media, such as corrupted politics, corrupted music and of course film, can create a false perception leading many to believe Hispanics to be a violent, drug dealing, crime committing race. As a result, a persons perception can be mistaken or shaped into a form of racism because of these false advertisements. I believe the same goes for the African American community. It seems the idolized that display these corrupted ideas are less effected than the people who receive them, leaving the lower class to deal with the consequences.
It makes sense that the reactions of the many persuaded would result in corruption of law enforcement, judgments based on appearance and basically a re-enactment of historical mistakes. However, I question the average amount of people who truly deal with racism do to the fact that I don’t see discrimination as often as media makes it seem. When one racial problem develops, the media amplifies the problem in broadcasting, creating even bigger problems. It also seems that racism can be used as a weapon of excuse to by-pass or avoid consequences of criminal activity. Many believe white Americans to be a majority racists, but I see a people of equality.
So why are we starting movements of segregation when it is our responsibility as a people to reflect proper and tolerable behavior equally? If we continue to focus on our historical failures, the distance in time that it takes to reach our inevitable success will be delayed.
The only solution that makes sense, is to accept that historical mistakes were made that were out of our control and stop educating the younger generation with this knowledge of corrupt history that will allow them to question the rights and wrongs according to these concepts. We must move forward as a people. Life is not about self satisfaction, it is about satisfying something beyond our own understanding.
Biblical/Scientific Facts & Theories
According to The Book of Genesis, when the people came together in old times, it wasn’t much different from how things have been in our world today. Because of the sinful actions of our forefathers, the people were separated and even the ability to communicate with one another was extinguished. (Language Barrier) Pangaea, the theory that all continents once fit together in one large landmass and were separated over time supports this knowledge. Perhaps the LORD our God did this, knowing that we would become dependent on one another for resources and other values, bringing us to the realization that divided, we cannot succeed. If it was written, “you must love your neighbor as yourself”, why would one wish to be segregated from those you need and or love? And why would it be written, “I will make you a father of many nations?”
Nations = (Plural) Meaning we are in fact all brothers and sisters according to the word of the LORD our God. Blessed is he who reads and understands.
Alexander Garza
September 19, 2022
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Updated February 18, 2023