A Prayer Seeking Encouragement
Father in Heaven,
I write these words to you in spirit and in love; seeking encouragement and advice to strengthen both my decisions and actions as I move forward in this commitment to serve you while I am here on earth. Also, I thank my brothers the apostles James, Peter, and Paul for their words of inspirational knowledge and writing given to us as a gift to eternal life from Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen.
For many years, I was angered by those who failed to acknowledge the LORD Jesus Christ. When I would see the prosperity of the wicked, I would find myself truly enraged. Yet I remained calm continuously in all of my suffering until at times recent, I began to act harsh with my words and prayers against them. For a distance of time, the wicked have been cruel towards those who attempt to practice righteousness and at times even plotted to destroy them. My heart was hardened by these things, and so I would even to refuse to labor and placed myself in poverty because my hardened heart wouldn’t allow me to serve them and deliver them satisfaction.
It also angered me that people, Father, Mothers, Brothers and Sisters war and lose their lives for those who insult what Jesus stood for, what this nation once stood for and with no care ignore the lives lost for the freedoms they abuse while others hunger for food and die of sickness and suffering in other parts of the world. My anger is aroused and the fire is lit to flames. But you, my LORD, and the Lamb who gave me everlasting life have taught me to love and to spread light among men.
Therefore, father in heaven, lead me with your right hand and deliver me from my own understanding if I am unable to see or if my hearing has grown dull. Observe my heart and correct me if you find fault within me. For I am only a man of simplicity and with all of my learning, I am still only one grain of sand among many that rest on ocean shores.