The Power Position (A Part of You)
At the end of my last segment titled Key Components For A Better Life, the informative passage fades out with the conclusion of an accomplishment process that adds to a persons well being. By continuing from our latest pause, I can now outline the true awards given from finishing these small assignments once we master our focus to build Better Lives.
Summarized Recap
- Remaster the ability to distract yourself and defend yourself from distraction.
- Live in the present.
- Lack of interest in well being; have the want to become well by the interest of completing self-set assignments.
- Timing; take your time; absorb knowledge
I was reading a book written by author John Eldredge called “Wild At Heart” the other day while laying down comfortably in my room soaking up some AC. I tried blocking out the laughter coming from the living room where my roommates must have been watching some comedy show. For a second I gazed away from my book and set my eyes on the blue shelf placed against the far wall in front of my bed.
At the very top is a stack of books, each containing the thoughts of dead authors and brilliant minds. The thoughts expressed inside these physical objects are actually influenced by real people who learned from factual, opinionated and world views that came from different timelines, religious choices and developed outlooks.
Holding this book in my hands, it suddenly became apparent, my eyes were opened when I discovered I was holding someone's thoughts, a part of a human brain that didn’t exist in the real world until it was made physical. I was holding a piece of someone. Maybe holding a part of someone can become A Piece Of You.
Moreover, I found out that the author of the book I was holding was born in the early 1960s according to an earlier chapter in the book. Learning these things and others as I continued on, I began to understand things from an old wise mans’ mind-set in the present future. I learned ways of thinking and doing that people applied into daily life. Now, I am confident I will be able to hold a solid conversation with the elderly and even recreate some of these designs for applied programming and solution generating.
There’s a reason knowledge is to be searched out, rather than money itself.
You can hold a million dollars, but if you don’t have the knowledge on how to use it, you can literally end up harming yourself or wasting it.
A Better Example
Why do you rarely see rich people in jail? It isn’t because they are rich in finances. It is because they are rich in knowledge. Knowledge can be the most rewarding and pleasing interaction between us and the world. It often results in success. A person who reads a bible or an educational book and studies it always has a greater chance of living longer, smarter, better, happier, and healthier than those who refuse education or knowledge. There is no greater reward. Seek knowledge first and everything else will come after.
Alexander Garza
Copyright © 2022, 2023
Updated February 18, 2023