333 Billion Dollars Spent Since 2003 On Immigration (What are the results?)
In a rounded 20 years since 2003, a booming 333 billion dollars have been dispensed and handed over to the agencies that carry out enforcement on immigration. Without excuse, it is with one-hundred percent certainty that 333 billion is enough funding to create innovative ideas to create a stable system that regulates a proper immigration formula. It is enough currency to create jobs, housing and hold financial support for immigrants and refugees in search of citizenship and opportunity here in America.
If there is one thing over-all that is disappointing about this ongoing problem, it is that there are questions left without answer. According to Google Research, Texas Tax Payers are paying an outstanding 850 million dollars a year and for what? We don’t see golden streets. We don’t see reduced crime. We don’t see wise investments being publicly broadcasted on mainstream media. We haven’t seen a newly developed system that supports getting Hispanic immigrants the help they need to become citizens properly, without them having to take desperate measures into their own hands. We don’t see results.
Why haven’t we put our beneficial technologies and development ideas to use? Couldn’t we just create a systematic website where the people in southern countries can provide their information and have it stored in a data base for reviewing, approval & denial? Is it as simple as filling out a basic form like going into a Food Stamps Office or is it something more complicated?
When I relocated from Houston, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska, I noticed something quite interesting; the crime is identical in the South as it is in the North West. Same crimes from all races and all backgrounds occur equally. So my question is, are the accusations aimed towards illegal immigrants a form of continued discrimination for excuse to eliminate the possibility of newly formed citizens?
You will be surprised on how many people seek the opportunity to escape poverty, hunger and crime, so that they can receive education, purpose and peace. I strongly believe that if we gave these people the opportunity to work so that they wouldn’t be forced into a life of crime, not only would crime reduce, but the people united would create an incredible force for Justice and and Honest Living under God. And with proper education over time, the enemy that promotes mind manipulation, drug distribution for control and fear upon our children and next generation, will have no effect on the People United.
My hopes are that through prayer, understanding and the principles of God the creator, a New World will emerge. May the actions of our nations be monitored for the purpose of Gods’ Will to eliminate hunger, lack of education and the death of innocent people. I pray for fellowship among brothers and satisfaction in the sight of our creator. It was written,
“Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor, will himself cry out and not be answered.” -Proverbs 21:13
It was acknowledged before it was written. Blessed is he who reads and understands.
Alexander Garza